I haven’t done much work since Christmas as I have been fighting sickness. First, it was the stomach flu on Christmas Day and then I got sick again on New Year's Eve and have been fighting with a cough and sore chest ever since. It hasn’t left me with much energy to focus on writing or anything with my blog or social media content. Tuesday I was so sick that I worked my day job for two hours and slept until the next day.
I am getting back to working on all things business and I am now just checking all of my numbers for the past 30 days. I saw that there was a HUGE spike on December 30. I had one of my blog posts viewed over 160 times that day. A single blog post that I had written back in February of 2022. Read it here, What 2022 Already Taught Me.
I was beyond excited to see that my numbers had increased so significantly and I am going into January with a confidence that I didn’t have last year.
We all want people to read our blog posts so this is where I am going to help you today. Let’s discuss things you can do TODAY to share your blog post.
Unfortunately, we aren’t all Jenna Kutcher or Neil Patel and we don’t have 1,000s of people flocking to our websites to read our knowledge every single day. At least not yet we aren’t.
When we are in the building phase of our blog (which, let’s face it, is always but more so in the beginning), we need to really focus on getting our blog post out there.
We may have readers who LOVE what we write and come back day in and day out but we just haven’t built up that audience yet to have a consistent readership every single day. This means that we need to get super consistent about sharing the content that we create.
In my Facebook group, I am hosting a blog productivity challenge that started this week and we are talking all about the tasks that you need to do to ensure that you are being your most productive but also giving your blog the best chance of success. Watch for next week’s blog post that goes into detail all about this FUN topic! Feel free to join us as the videos will always stay in my FB group.
Blogging doesn’t end when you hit publish. That is the starting point and I am here today to share with you the ways that you can take charge right now and get that beautiful blog post out into the world.
Are you ready?
Whether you have a new blog post that you want to share or an old one that is collecting cobwebs, you can do these things for ALL of your blog posts. I recommend reviving old blog posts and resharing them.
I know that you are ready to have this list so here we go. No more waiting.
When you are creating IG stories, remember that you can also add the link so that it will take your visitors directly to your blog post. You can create these stories in so many different ways.
Share the blog post title
Share a quote from the blog post
Share a piece of the learning material from the blog post (4 quick ways to share your blog post)
Share a comment that someone left on one of your blogs
When I first publish a blog post, I will create anywhere from 3-5 pins for that one blog post. This allows me to share the blog post over multiple days and at different times and in different boards. It gives me the maximum reach of that one blog post.
You can wait 3-6 months after you publish and recreate 1-2 more pins to share that same exact blog post.
Just remember that when you are creating pins, you want them to be different. You don’t want to share the same graphic over and over again.
You don’t always have to do this but it is a great way to get your blog post in front of your friends and family. Ask them to read it, comment, or share it. It is a great way for your friends on FB to see what you are doing.
Make sure that before you do this, you are allowed to share your blog in the group. Whether they have a specific post that it needs to be done on or you can create your own. Just follow the rules of that specific group. It won’t do you much good if you get kicked out.
Just like Instagram, Facebook has its own stories that you can share your blog post with. You can share it with your FB page in story form or you can share it with your personal page in story form.
You should have a FB page for your blog. If you plan on monetizing, it is the only way that you can take advantage of using ads. Create a new graphic and reshare it to your blog Facebook page.
I use Twitter but not often. It is a platform that I don’t really enjoy so I don’t use it often. You certainly can share it on your Twitter though. With my Wix website, I can highlight text inside of my blog posts and instantly share it to Twitter.
I am trying to get more consistent with publishing my content on Medium. There are a couple of ways that I have read that you can share your content.
You can share the whole blog post and then have a link at the bottom sharing the original blog post and when it was published.
You can share a paragraph or so of the blog post and then have a link for them to read the rest of the blog post on your website.
Again, there are a couple of ways that you can share your blog posts to LinkedIn. You can just do it as a post on your feed or you can go to the section called Features and add it as a link to there.
A different way to share your blog post would be to pull out the educational pieces of that blog post and create a video that you can post on YouTube. You can link back to your blog that way as well.
Do you have an email list? If not, you should. This is a great way to get your blogging content to your ideal audience. My goal for 2023 is to get back to sending out my blog posts weekly to my subscribers. This way they can easily read what I have written without having to search for it. It will be delivered right to their email. Those are eleven different ways that you can share your blog post tonight. If you are looking for help creating a strategy for your social media around your blog, I would love for you to sign up for a strategy session. This 120-minute strategy session is perfect for you. We will map out at least 30 days of content for you and you will walk away with practical tips and tricks to be able to continue to do it yourself. Let’s get 2023 working for you!