I went to school to be a teacher. Well, actually, I originally went to university for a degree in Political Science: International Business. After dropping out and starting at a different school, I chose Education as my major. However, I sat in the music class and I hated it. I couldn’t see myself teaching for my life. It was the same scene playing over again because as I sat in my business class at my first university, I absolutely HATED it and knew that I couldn’t do it for the rest of my life.
And now I own a business and I am teaching women. So maybe my original thoughts were somewhat correct. It just took me years to figure out how to put them both together so that they fulfilled me in the most perfect way. This made me realize that there are so many different ways that you can teach through your blog writing.
Blogging opened up worlds for me that I didn’t know existed. It has allowed me to share my story and to teach women at the same time. As I move my business forward in a direction that I was probably always headed (but I obviously took a long way), I love that I am following my heart and teaching women how to create a blog. But it really is more than that. It is all about falling in love with putting words on pages and teaching them that blog writing is possible.
Remember to teach through your blog, you must connect with your ideal client. From there you will know exactly what they are searching for.
This type of blog post is just as it sounds. It is where you give a step by step instruction guide on how to overcome what the issue is. You will give your readers information that will help that solve the problem that they are facing with broken down and proven steps. This type of post is practical when it comes to issues like creating a website or how to start a blog. It is a bit harder when it comes to more personal issues like overcoming stress and how to find more time to get work done.
This is such a fun way to engage your readers. You will bring in an expert on a topic that fits with your ideal client. This not only opens up your guest speaker to a new audience but it will help to create backlinks to your website when that guest expert shares the blog post to her audience. This creates a win-win situation for both of you. Ensure that it is an expert that your readers will enjoy and learn something from.
This is a great way to support local and to create more readers in your local area. Showcase products and businesses that have made a lasting impression in your life, a product that you love, or a product that has helped you in your business. This is another great way for you to bring in backlinks to your website because you can share it with all of the businesses that you showcased and they can share your blog post with their audience. With this type of post, you must be honest. Your readers will know if you are just showcasing the product because you can. Make sure that the products you write about are products that you truly use and love.
These are the types of posts that can help your readers with more personalized issues that they are facing. Look back on tough times that you had had or issues that you have struggled with and review what helped you through those moments. Share them with your audience. This way they have a possible new way to look at a current problem in their own life. This will be a much more personal approach than with a step by step guide from above. Don’t be afraid to share intimate moments of your life so that you can help to create a deeper connection with your followers.
I have never done a post like this before but it sounds like so much fun. Well, I guess that might be wrong in a way. In my first blog that I ever had (I lost the post), I had women write what they loved about themselves. I then asked the spouses (with the woman’s permission), what they loved about their wife. This was such an eye-opening experience. Seeing the differing perspectives when it comes to what people fall in love with is truly amazing. I may need to do this post again. Have fun with this kind of post. Interview a friend who thinks differently than you on a certain topic. Again, remember to keep it so that your ideal reader will enjoy it as well.
These are a few different ways that you can teach your audience with different topics and different blog setups. Have fun. Play around. Depending on your ideal readers, one type of post might work better than another.
If you are looking to hire a blogging coach, I am booking consultation calls. I also still have 2 spaces available for my From Idea to Blog weekend intensive. If you are interested, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I would love to answer any questions that you may have. Let me help you bring your blogging vision to life.
I also have a new workshop coming up in March called Keywords and Categories. I will help you to sit down and figure out the keywords that you should be using and create your blogging categories around those. This is again an in-person workshop but I am working on creating some online workshops for those of you who are not near the Calgary area.