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6 Types of Blog Post Content to Create

There are days when writing a blog post can come easily and effortlessly. We treasure those days and try to capitalize on them when they happen. Because most days, blogging isn’t that easy. The days when writing comes hard or you just don’t have the concentration to get a post out happen. There is good news though. Many types of blog post content exist so you can create some simpler posts by knowing the different versions. By knowing these types, your audience will experience different ways to absorb all of your information. Some of these may work for you and some may not. Play around with them and see which posts your audience loves the most. Then GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT! DIFFERENT TYPES OF BLOG POSTS THAT YOU CAN WRITE There are many more than 6 types but today that is how many I am going to cover. 1.Lists. Lists are an easy blog post to generate. Plus they can easily be manipulated to topics that your audience loves and wants to learn about. These types of posts are super easy to skim and a great way to get information to your audience in an easy to read format. Plus your audience already feels like you have done the research for them. If you have a dedicated readership than they already trust you. Lists can also feel like they bring order to chaos. Just like when you wake up in the morning and feel overwhelmed because you don’t know where to begin, you create a list of to-dos. Your blog post lists are the same. It gives your readers a chance to consume great information while feeling like they are organized and in control. 2. How-to Guides. These guides are a great way to teach your audience a step by step process of something they want to know about. So for me, a topic for a how-to guide would be, how to write a blog post. (An actual how-to guide I am working on.) These guides allow your readers to learn from you but still feel like they are doing it by themselves. Make sure that when you create this type of post, you are creating small and easily actionable steps for your audience to take. You do not want to overwhelm them and confuse them. Use simple language that your target readers will understand. They already believe that you are the expert, there is no need to impress them with a language they won’t understand. 3. Interviews. These types of posts can be so fun. Bring in other experts that your readers will love to learn from. It can truly be anything that will keep your readers intrigued enough to read, listen, and come back for. This type of blog post is fantastic because it opens up your blog to the expert’s audience as well. Ensure that you are both sharing the content to get the biggest benefit out of this type. 4. Reviews. Again, this is a great post for your readers because they already most likely trust you and what you are sharing. If you are giving reviews on products and services that they will benefit from then this is a win-win for everyone involved. Be honest with your review. If you are getting paid or it is a sponsorship review in any way then make sure that you let your readers know that. Again, send your blog post to the business that you are reviewing so that they can share it with their audience as well. This helps to gain backlinks to your site which will help to build up your SEO and trust. 5. Behind the scenes. We all love to see what a business is doing behind the scenes. It makes that business more personable for us. We gain a connection to them that we may not have had before. Allow your readers into your life. This can be as simple as showing them your office or how you set up your content calendar. (Another one that I am working on.) Have fun with this. Show them what you are up to behind your business and build that trust even more. 6. Guest bloggers. This is one of the best ways to reach new readers. Get your blog posts out there in front of a new audience by reaching out to blogs you want to write on. Not all blogs offer guest posting and some may not have it advertised on their website but message them anyway. Be prepared to pitch to them an idea that you have. I have had people pitch to me to write a guest blog post and I take it. Some will say that if they have a smaller audience, not to accept them. But I believe that everyone starts somewhere and their audience is still people that I am not currently in front of. Be brave. Get out there and start messaging people. Try to build up a relationship with them before you pitch. Comment on their social media and blog posts first.

I hope that these different types of blog posts help you to create more content for your site. Have fun and see what type of posts that your readers respond to. If you are looking to begin your blog, I still have 3 spaces available for my Blogology course that begins on March 16. This is my beta blogging course that will walk you through pre-launch, launching your blog, and getting content set up. I would love for you to join. This round only is $300 for 6 weeks. After this round, it increases to $700. Let me help you bring your vision to life.

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